Lidl saw plans for a supermarket in Barry's Field in Douglas rejected for a second time by the planning authority this week.

Second rejection for Douglas Lidl

Lidl has said it is “disappointed” at the decision of the planning authority to reject its planned store in Douglas for a second time.

The discount supermarket chain said it would assess its options after An Bord Pleanála turned down plans for a mixed-use development at Barry’s Field in Douglas, the second time it has overturned the decision of Cork County Council to grant permission for the project.

Last year saw Lidl lodge plans for a mixed use development made up of a 2,251 square metre supermarket along with offices, café/restaurant space and five apartments.

However, the proposal was rejected by the planning body this week, who said that “by reason of its design, scale and massing” would be “visually dominant and out of character with the existing development”.

It said the proposal would be “visually obtrusive” with Douglas village and would be contrary to the Cork County Development Plan and would prejudice the development potential of adjoining lands to the north.

It was the second planning application Lidl had lodged with An Bord Pleanála for the site and the first time the chain had included housing as part of a planning application on Leeside.

Sinn Féin Cllr Eoghan Jeffers welcomed the decision, saying Douglas was “well catered for in terms of shopping centres”.

“This site is one of the last areas in the village that can be developed and it’s important that it’s developed correctly so it can improve the whole of the villlage. This site has the potential to become a new hub for Douglas.”

Cork City South East local election candidate for Labour Peter Horgan also welcomed the decision, saying: “We have a glorious chance with the new Council on 31 May to put in a real blueprint for the future of Douglas village, and we must ensure that all residents and businesses are brought along to invigorate Douglas village for all, not multinational retail units.”