George is getting better day by day.

Hedgehog George is on the mend!

George the hedgehog is on the way to a full recovery after being found in a disorientated state recently.  

The ISPCA recently responded to a call for help when a member of the public noticed a hedgehog roaming around a housing estate in Carrigaline.

ISPCA Senior Inspector Lisa O’Donovan located the hedgehog and brought it to a local veterinary clinic in Mallow that specialises in wildlife care.  

The hedgehog, later named George, was admitted to veterinary care beause he was suffering from a serious eye injury and was also underweight.

Lisa said: “George is doing well in care and thankfully his injury is healing. Without intervention, he would not have survived the winter. There have been sightings of a number of foxes in the area and I suspect George may have been attacked. Unfortunately due to building works being carried out in the housing estate, a lot of wildlife have been displaced and this little guy was probably looking for food and somewhere warm to hibernate over the winter months.”

She continued: “Sick and injured hedgehogs are very susceptible to hypothermia and we are delighted that George is getting stronger every day. He will be kept at the wildlife sanctuary over the winter months and will then re-released in the spring once he receives a clean bill of health from the vet.”

Hedgehogs are often known as the gardener’s friend as they like to eat insects, slugs and snails. They will do no harm in your garden and many animal lovers make a little hedgehog house by finding a quiet shady spot out of direct sunlight with a south-facing entrance.

It is important they have a secure exit, rather than being out in the open as they need to feel safe when they do come out.
Hedgehogs usually hibernate from October/November through to March/April. During mild winters though, hedgehogs can remain active well into November and December.
If you find an injured hedgehog, keep direct human contact to a minimum.

They should be kept warm by placing them in a large box with plenty of clean, fresh hay and crumpled newspaper or dry leaves until help arrives.