Water workshop for green flag
An Taisce’s Green-Schools programme teamed up with Irish Water for a workshop in the Lifetime Lab to support schools working to gain a Green Flag.
These free water workshops are fun, interactive days where students learn about water conservation issues, take part in experiments, hear from an Irish Water officer and design their Green-Schools action plan.
The workshop was open to Green-Schools from Cork city and county, South Tipperary and Waterford city and county working towards their water flag. The water theme aims to increase awareness of water conservation among primary and secondary school students.
Last year over 200 million litres of water was saved by schools working on the programme, with more than €8 million in waste, energy, water and transport fuel costs saved. Past actions to improve water conservation include installing water filters and butts, regulating tap pressure, replacing faulty taps, adding basins to sinks and awareness measures for the school and the wider community.
Green-Schools (known internationally as Eco-Schools), is an environmental management education programme, environmental management system and award scheme that promotes and acknowledges long-term, whole-school action for the environment.