The FTAI are calling for further Government guidance.

CVR test re-start welcomed but more is needed

The recommencement of Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness (CVR) testing this week has been welcomed by the Freight Transport Association of Ireland (FTAI).

But they say the Government must provide clearer and more consistent guidance to allow logistics businesses to operate in a safe and sustainable manner.

Aidan Flynn, General Manager of FTAI said: “This is a vital step forwards in returning operations to normal, by enabling logistics businesses to have confidence their fleets are fully compliant. However, the Government must provide sector specific guidance on Covid-19 workplace safety measures to allow businesses, particularly small to mid-size enterprises, to restart their operations in a safe and sustained manner.

“Considerable expenditure is required to adopt social distancing and PPE requirements. The Government should provide more financial support to the already-stretched SME sector; this would give these businesses the ability to invest in the new processes and deliver a safe working environment.

“We also request that the Government provides industry with more time to prepare for announcements such as this; our members would have appreciated more advance notice of the reopening of CVR test centres to plan.” Mr Flynn added that only vehicles with a test due date prior to 28 March 2020 will be accepted for testing initially. “However, we need a clear roadmap on the opening up of centres to all other categories. CVR test centres are businesses as well and with only a small number of vehicles currently qualifying for testing, it is important that flexibility is developed so that all those who want to get their testing done can do so as a matter of urgency.”

FTA Ireland is a not-for-profit membership trade association for the Irish freight, passenger and logistics industries.