Mayor of Cork Cllr Mary Linehan Foley. Photo: Brian Lougheed

County Mayor's Diary

Cllr Mary Linehan Foley

As we come to the end of a difficult winter, it’s important that we take stock of the resources and support that we have available and take pride in the positive difference our efforts have made in navigating the pandemic.

The many people who are struggling with loss, illness or loneliness need to know that they are not alone. Our continued efforts to curtail the spread of the virus are working and saving lives.

We also have a duty to our friends, families and community to reach out to one another. Make a phonecall, send a text or a letter, and stay connected. In these basic ways despite isolation and travel restrictions, we can support one another as a community.

Further supports are available through Cork County Council’s Community Support Programme. I invite everyone to look at what’s available.

While you might not need it now, you may know someone who does, or you yourself may need to avail of support in the coming weeks or months. The information is available on and is shared regularly on the council’s social media channels.

Community is something we can all be grateful for. Outside of our homes and our 5km radii, is a community of friends, family and support that we can all rely on.

While the immediate future is uncertain in terms of what kinds of events and celebrations we can have, I have decided that the fantastic contributions of groups and individuals over the past year warrants recognition and am pleased to announce the Mayor’s Community Awards will take place online on 24 March.

Unfortunately, the awards could not take place last year, as the council and the community was rapidly adapting to the developing Covid-19 situation. 2020 was the first year since 2013 that the awards did not take place.

This year however it has never been more important to recognise and celebrate the goodwill, generosity and altruism of the people of Cork county. Through the council’s Community Support Programme and countless other drives and initiatives, volunteers have supported our communities, our vulnerable and those impacted in so many ways by the pandemic.

The Mayor’s Community Awards for Cork County will take place online this year to celebrate the heroes in our community. If you know someone or some group that has gone above and beyond in your community, who deserves special acknowledgement for their efforts, contact your local councillor or PPN representative to nominate them.

Everyone has made a contribution to our struggle against Covid. This crisis cannot be overcome by one person, or team, or institution. It can only be overcome by everyone’s collective efforts.

As we leave winter behind, we should take pride in our good work so far and keep doing what we can to keep the numbers down and support one another.