Almost 1,000 new places will be created at MTU to meet industry skill needs.

Hundred of new places at MTU

Munster Technological University (MTU) has secured over €2.2 million to provide 837 new places to address industry skills needs.

The funding was delivered under the Government’s Springboard+ and Human Capital Initiatives for the academic year 2021/2022.

A further €616,400 was received to create 106 places across a range of culinary and food service operations programmes to address the shortage of qualified staff in the tourism and hospitality sector. These funded places are spread over 28 courses across various sectors.

Michael Loftus, Vice President for External Affairs at MTU said the university is fully committed to the development of graduates who have the skills, positive attitude and overall ability required by industry. “This funding will enable us to reskill and upskill those seeking employment, as well as those who are currently in employment, at their time of greatest need. The work-based learning approach which has been designed into these courses will maximise the employability of the graduates,” he said.

Siobhan Bradley, South-West Regional Skills Forum Manager welcomed the announcement and said the availability of Springboard+ programmes will address emerging and growing skills priorities for companies across the south-west and nationally.

Springboard+ courses are free for people who are unemployed, those who were previously self-employed, and people returning to the workforce. Courses are also free for people in employment who are on NFQ Level 6 courses.

For employed participants on NFQ level 7, 8 and 9 courses, 90 per cent of the course fee is funded by the Government, with participants required to contribute just ten per cent of the fee.

Brid Mc Elligott, Vice President for Development, Research and External Engagement at MTU, said: “The Springboard+ initiative offers free, or heavily subsidised, part-time courses leading to qualifications that are in demand by employers. Many courses focus on future-proofing the skills of people already in employment, particularly in roles that may be impacted by digitalisation.

“To date, MTU has worked with over 6,000 Springboard+ students, resulting in many graduates now pursuing rewarding careers. All courses selected for funding under Springboard+ 2021 are in areas of identified skills needs.”

Staff will be available over the coming weeks to advise potential students. Further info on course availability, eligibility criteria and the application process are available by contacting the MTU on 021-4335302 in Cork or 066-7191701 in Kerry. Visit