Quakers announce two eco events this month
The Cork Quaker Meeting will hold two environmental events in its newly refurbished and extended meeting house this month.
The first event is an exhibit of 50 unique textile panels made by individual Quakers and Quaker meetings in Britain and Ireland, celebrating things we love that are threatened by growing environmental breakdown.
The panels form part of the ‘Loving Earth Project’ which was started by a small number of British Quakers in 2019 and quickly generated interest from others, including the Quaker Arts Network and the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham.
Some 400 panels have been created for the project which is hoped to help people engage creatively and constructively with difficult issues and provide a way to share positive examples of change.
The Loving Earth Project panels which will be exhibited at the Cork Quaker Meeting House on Summerhill South, from 12.30-4pm from 18-21 April and from 4-6pm on 22 April. Entry to the exhibition is free of charge.
The second event, From Disappointment to Hope: Actions and Responses to Climate Breakdown is a workshop featuring a number of speakers including the Chairperson of Eco-Congregation Ireland, Andrew Orr, and local chemical-free farmer Caroline Robinson.
The workshop will be held at the Cork Quaker Meeting House this Saturday from 10am–4pm. Entry is free of charge and a vegetarian/vegan lunch will be provided. For registration, email ecoquakers@quakers.ie.
This is the first time the new Quaker Meeting House is being used for an art exhibit and workshop. All are welcome to attend.