Members of the model show’s organising committee with representatives of Scoil Clíodhna Community National School and Carrigtwohill Community First Responders.

It’s the small things in life!

Carrigtwohill Community Centre will be the venue for a miniature diecast model show this Sunday.

There will be hundreds of models on display and organisers have guaranteed visitors of all ages that a great day will be had by all.

The model show is being organised by Carrigtwohill locals and all support is greatly appreciated. Proceeds from the event will be split evenly between Scoil Clíodhna Community National School and Carrigtwohill Community First Responders.

The show’s organising committee were Charlie Cotter, Timmy Cunningham, Joe Dunne, Eamon Finn, Michael Galvin, Niall Healy, John McGrath, Roger, McGrath, Martin O’Rourke, Ned Ramsell, and Ursula Ramsell.

The show is open from 10am-5pm this Sunday.