Cork Profile

Dr E Alana James

When you were small, what did you want to be as a grown-up?

I hadn’t a clue until I took art classes in high school (aged 15 or so), then I was hooked.

Tell us about your career progression to your role today:

I graduated from high school and went on to earn my Bachelors of Fine Arts from the University of Colorado. I joined galleries and was lucky enough to attract a rock star to include my work in a promotion he was doing. That experience put me off from the dream of being famous because fame is like having someone look over your shoulder rather than really connecting with you. I was trained to be an art teacher so that is what I did. After producing some of my art as note cards, I spent some time travelling the south west of the United States in my van selling to stores. Life goes on. I worked with troubled teenagers and families who were homeless. I developed curriculum to keep kids off the streets. Then my employer suggested I should get a PhD so I went to Columbia and did that making me interested in helping people who were struggling while getting their postgraduate degrees. I built a business, with the help of Enterprise Ireland to do that and it is still running today. But throughout all of this, I told myself I would end my life pursuing my fine art career. In truth, I think after a while I didn’t quite believe that it would happen. Then Covid-19 struck and I realised life was too short, I wasn’t married to my business and my wife and I should be out there travelling while we can. The business is on the market and I now have 2 years in developing my digital collage to a place where I like it and can show it to the world almost every weekend at the Marina Market.

What is the most enjoyable aspect of what you do?

Art is like moving meditation, it opens a door to your soul, and you get to hang out with the best parts of yourself as you concentrate on the images and the challenge of bringing them together with the vision you hold in the back of your head.

What motivates you?

My family and knowing that everyday has new potential for growth or fulfilment.

What advice would you give your 15 year old self?

Not to care what peers think if they can’t see the world the way you do, and to stay away from peers that seem to take you down dark alleys where you know you shouldn’t be going.

If you weren’t in the job you have, what would you be doing?

I’d be doing art – which is why I am!

What is your greatest life or career achievement to-date?

Getting my PhD, authoring 4 books, but now selling my art to people I meet who will take it home and appreciate it.

Who has had the biggest influence on you in your life?

My eldest sister Pat. 18 years older than I am and always showing me what will come next on life’s journey.

What is the life dream now?

To stay healthy and able to move around the world making and selling art.

How do you switch off?

I play Demeo on VR. VR in general is a great switch off for me.

What is your favourite Cork memory?

I was part of a non-fiction writers group at Cork library for a few years. I loved learning about how life used to be in Ireland through the stories of my friends.

What is your favourite place in Cork?

The English Market and the Marina Market – love the buzz in both.

Do you have a favourite quote or motto?

I love so many attributed to Einstein but in general, that the more we know the more we are aware of what we don’t know. And learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow and the important thing is not to stop questioning.

When are you at your happiest?

When my wife, the puppies and cat and I are sitting in the living room, I have my legs up and I’m working on the iPad making a new digital collage.

What is your hidden talent?

Cooking – yeah for Covid-19 and Ottolenghi – having the time and the teacher made all the difference.

What might we be surprised to know about you?

That I did a quilt that looks like the queen of spades, made out of underwear collected by the rock star Frank Zappa. It now hangs in the Hardrock Café in Biloxi Mississippi.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

That it’s an honour to be asked to do this , thank you!


Name and position: E Alana James, digital artist. The E stands for Emily but since that was my mother’s name everyone calls me Alana.

Age: I’ll be 70 in April.

Lives: Castlepark, across the bridge from Kinsale.

Family: My wife/partner Margie.

Pets: 2 puppies, a 4 month old beagle and a springer spaniel almost a year. Anyone who comes to the Marina Market when we are there is likely to meet them. Plus a cat – older and wiser and called Holly.

Favourite thing about Cork: The people: warm welcoming and so full of generosity. It continues to amaze me.

Least favourite thing about Cork: Sometimes it’s hard to find a place to park.

One thing you’d change about Cork: It’s happening, but I look forward to our docklands being developed – the Marina Market is a bit all by itself down there.