Triona Healy, Cork South Community Work Department, HSE; Martin Davoren, Executive Director, Sexual Health Centre; Catriona MacNaeidhe, Cork ETB Youth Services; Eleanor Moore, Cork Kerry Community Healthcare HSE; Lord Mayor Cllr Deirdre Forde; Rebecca Loughry, Cork City Council and; Ciaran Lynch, Chairperson, Sexual Health Centre, at the launch of the Sexual Health Centre’s 2022 Annual Report at City Hall. Photo: Jim Coughlan

Sexual health on Cork’s agenda

More and more Leesiders are engaging in sexual health services according to newly released figures.

A report for 2022 issued by the Sexual Health Centre (SHC), based in Cork city, recorded 7,133 enquiries by phone, email and in person last year.

2022 represented a year of transformation for the centre, seeing the launch of an online booking service for rapid HIV testing, as well as free menstrual health products being delivered to key populations in an effort to make sexual health accessible and visible to all. The centre also launched its first TikTok account.

Last year, the centre’s website logged more than 47,000 visits as it continued to grow and promote its online presence. Subsequent enquiries resulted in the distribution of 59,267 condoms, of which 19,248 were posted to clients via the centre’s free condom postal service.

Focusing on youth, marginalised and LGBTI+ groups, The SHC recorded 4,673 health promotion contacts last year, delivered through workshops, information stands and talks, allowing people to ask questions, and access support/testing in relation to their sexual health in familiar settings.

2022 also saw the centre’s DASH (Drugs, Alcohol, and Sexual Health) mobile unit offer its services in the Cork Ukrainian response, providing more than 1,000 period products along with information, testing and support.

Commenting on the centre’s latest annual report, SHC Executive Director, Dr Martin Davoren, said: “We are delighted to share our 2022 annual report, which reflects the hard work and dedication of our team. We were able to provide a high level of service and even introduce new initiatives such as the online booking service.

“We are grateful to the Cork community for their continued support and trust in our services and are committed to keeping sexual health on the agenda.”

Following the release of the 2022 report, Ciarán Lynch, Chairperson of SHC noted the increase in post termination counselling appointments, including partner attendance. He highlighted that clients reach out to the centre for a variety of reasons including LGBTI+ advice, pregnancy support, HIV support, problematic sexualised behaviour therapy, health promotion workshops, and condom provision.

Located on Peter's St in Cork city, the Sexual Health Centre has been responding to the Cork community for more than 30 years, providing non-judgmental, confidential, and professional sexual health services to people of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations.

The centre said it remains committed to its mission of promoting and supporting the sexual health and well-being of the community.

For more information on the Sexual Health Centre's services, visit its website