Residents in county Cork have complained of rubbish collections taking place as early a 4.30am. Photo: Jay Clark

Complaints have bin made

Reports of bin trucks operating as early as 4.30am in residential areas in Cork have been brought to the attention of county officials.

Raising the motion at Monday’s meeting of Cork County Council, Fianna Fáil’s Seamus McGrath pointed out that domestic waste collection permits specify that bin truck collection activity should not commence prior to 6am.

However, the Carrigaline councillor said he has received numerous reports from residents over a long period of time and that the issue seems to be getting worse rather than better despite official complaints filed with Cork County Council’s Environment Directorate.

“In the last few months I had reports of a bin truck going around a residential estate at 4.30am – that is simply not acceptable,” said Cllr McGrath.

He continued: “These bin trucks, when they are in residential estates prior to 6am, they make high levels of noise, with trucks reversing, bins being dragged along the ground, and so on.

“There are time restrictions in the permits for good reason – people deserve the opportunity to have a good night's sleep,” he added.

Cllr McGrath asked that the Environment Directorate take a broader approach to the issue, contacting each individual collection company in Cork county and reminding them of the time restrictions and of their responsibility to operate within them.

Responding to the motion, Liam Singleton, senior engineer with the Environment Directorate, wrote: “Permits typically condition collection times between 6am and 10pm in areas where 60 kilometre per hour or lower speed limits apply.

“A typical explanation provided for such breaches can be that the collection has commenced in the 80km area, and they get to the speed restricted area before 6am and continue with their work. This situation is generally rectified at this stage with the collector speaking to the driver ensuring compliance with the time limits."