Educational psychological assessments are now available to eligible children in Clonakilty.

Child educational psychological assessments available in West Cork

Currently one in four children in Ireland has a special educational need and there are 40,000 children waiting for speech and language and occupational therapy appointments. Many children struggle due to a lack of affordable support services for those who are experiencing developmental delays, or have special educational needs.

Spearheaded by social enterprise charity Sensational Kids, educational psychological assessments are now on offer to eligible children in Clonakilty. The initiative aims to provide support to children and families seeking insights into their educational needs.

An educational psychological assessment is required to determine if a child has dyslexia, and also to assist occupational therapists to confirm a diagnosis of dyspraxia/DCD (developmental co-ordination disorder).

The specialised evaluations are conducted by experienced psychologists to understand a child's cognitive, emotional, and educational development. These assessments involve a series of standardised tests, observations, and interviews to gather a holistic understanding of a child's strengths, challenges, and learning style.

Educational psychologists assess the learning areas and cognitive profile of children and young people. They provide guidance on necessary support and offer assistance to teachers and other professionals in enhancing a child's preferred learning style, boosting self-esteem, or addressing specific learning difficulties. Additionally, they are equipped to provide training to other professionals working with children and young people.

Sensational Kids provides a range of services, including occupational therapy assessments and intervention, speech and language therapy assessments and intervention, and play therapy.

The services are available to children from the ages of 7 years to 16 years old. To schedule an educational psychology assessment at Sensational Kids in Clonakilty, parents and guardians can get in touch through either phone or email. Contact Sensational Kids at 023-8878208 or via email at