A new Irish charity single is raising money for young people living in the occupied West Bank of Palestine. Photo: Aoife Farrell

New single to raise funds for Palestinian youth

“Despite the best efforts of the occupation forces to suppress, depress, and break the spirits of the young people in the camp, they are made of resilience, joy, steeliness, and humour.”

The words of Irish musician MayKay, one of the collaborators behind the recently released charity single ‘We Are’ which shines a light on the resilient spirit of the Palestinian people.

The single is a collaborative effort between Irish artists Elaine Mai, MayKay (Fight Like Ape/Other Voices), and Faye O’Rourke (Soda Blonde), alongside Palestinian youngsters Rand, Rwand, Reem, Sara, Omar, and Ahmad, who live in Aida Refugee Camp in the Occupied West Bank of Palestine.

In the song, the Palestinian children speak about what it means to be Palestinian, the Arabic loosely translating to “we mean power, strength, obstacles, joy, love, hope, victory.” As the song closes, they declare “no one is free until Palestine is free” in English, Arabic, and Irish.

All proceeds raised by the single will go to the Lajee Center in Aida Refugee Camp in the occupied west bank of Palestine.

The Lajee Center is a community-based creative, cultural initiative that works with new generations of Palestinians as they continue their struggle for justice.

MayKay explains: “I’ve spent some time in the amazing Lajee Center in Aida Refugee Camp. Working with this group of young people was the honour of a lifetime.”