INGO co-ordinator Sharon O’Toole with the mural by Brutto. Photo: Marc O’Sullivan

Campaign emphasises the BEAT symptoms for cancer

City Hall and the Shakey Bridge were lit up in teal last night, Wednesday, to mark World Ovarian Cancer Day.

It comes as the Irish Network for Gynaecological Oncology (INGO) commissioned a study which found that one out of five women in Ireland are reluctant to address the symptoms of cancer with a healthcare professional as they ‘don’t want to make a fuss’.

The INGO said it is “deeply concerned” about the lack of awareness of symptoms among women in Ireland, with four in five not confident of identifying symptoms.

The research also shows that one in five women would not attend their doctor with possible symptoms because they are worried about what it might unearth, which the INGO described as “alarmingly”.

The research also found that one in five would not attend because they are too busy.

Unfortunately, more than three quarters of patients with ovarian cancer are diagnosed when the disease is at a late stage. This is partly due to the vagueness of symptoms and similarity with other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, and in some cases, symptoms may not always be obvious or present at all.

Orla Dolan, CEO of Breakthrough Cancer Research, which is based in Cork, said: “The evidence is clear that women do not have good awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer or feel comfortable approaching healthcare professionals with relevant concerns.

“For other cancers like skin cancer, national campaigns have changed knowledge and behaviours and we need to see this for gynaecological cancers too. Amazing Irish researchers are currently working on ways to better detect and treat these cancers but finding them early makes a huge difference in terms of survival. We need to educate and empower people with the signs and symptoms to look for.”

To mark World Ovarian Cancer Day on Wednesday 8 May, the INGO launched a campaign to raise awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer and encourage women to contact and explain their symptoms to their GP if they are worried, as early diagnosis can save lives.

The campaign emphasises the BEAT symptoms:

• Bloating that is persistent and doesn’t come and go

• Eating less and feeling full more quickly

• Abdominal and pelvic pain you feel most days

• Toilet changes in urination or bowel habits

INGO have partnered with Brazilian street artist Brutto, who created an impressive mural on Grafton Street recently depicting BEAT messaging and educating passersby on ovarian cancer symptoms.

Meanwhile, here in Cork, Aideen McCabe completed a 10km charity swim on Monday at Leisure World in Bishopstown with proceeds going to OvaCare and Look Good Feel Better.

Annually, approximately 400 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and almost 300 women die from this disease in the Republic of Ireland. In Northern Ireland, almost 300 are diagnosed and 128 women die. Ovarian cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death in women in Ireland, after lung, breast, and colorectal cancer.