Tómas Mac Conmara at the launch of his guide during an iCan Network Meeting in Springford Hall Hotel. Photo: Colm Lougheed

History in the making across the county

A new guide was launched in Cork county recently with the hopes it will to encourage, support, and strengthen good practice in the way local history is researched.

Cork County Council’s Heritage Office joined with Kilshannig Heritage Society to host the annual gathering of the Irish Community Archive Network (iCAN) at Springfort Hall Country House Hotel, where the new publication by oral historian and author, Dr Tomás Mac Conmara was officially launched.

‘The possession of his every neighbour’ explores local historical research across eight separate sections, including a glossary of keywords, research tips and examples.

The guide was developed in response to the unprecedented increase in local history research across the country, as well as the proliferation of local history and heritage societies, journals, publications and websites over the last fifteen years. It aims to positively support these activities by providing straightforward guidance to ensure that this primarily volunteer-led effort makes the best possible impact on the local community it relates to, as well as the broader public.

Author Tomás Mac Conmara said: “I have been very aware for many years of the great work undertaken across the country by volunteers who are deeply committed to the heritage of their place and who give countless hours to recording and preserving their historical landscape.

“The intention of the book is to provide support to this effort and to, where helpful, offer guidance on the methods and approaches that are optimal in researching and writing about our past. Those connected to the communities they live in are often the best to explore and understand that landscape. I believe in the work of iCAN and can see the positive effect it has had for people and groups across the country. I will be very proud if this publication can provide some further support to this wonderful work.”

iCAN supports its members by providing training, guidance and support in addition to a secure digital platform where they can document and share their valuable local collections, research and articles.