County Mayor's Diary Cllr Frank O'Flynn

As the local election has come to a close, it is time to feel relieved and extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported me during my campaign. I have an amazing support network I would like to thank, as without them, none of this would be possible.

I would also like to thank everyone who voted for me, I assure you I will continue to work diligently for the people of Cork county and my area, Fermoy, as promised.

I would also like to acknowledge the work of everyone who put a huge effort into recent canvasing in their constituencies, all the challenging work put in over the last few years.

I congratulate those who will be taking up a seat for the next term in council.

I am looking forward to the challenges and opportunities that will come our way over the next few years, and I look forward to working alongside both new and familiar faces.

I am delighted to share that Cork County Council is due to receive an additional €3.7 million in funding for roads. Consistent wet conditions saw Cork county be one of the worst affected areas in the country, so receiving the largest allocation from the Regional and Local Roads Restoration Improvement Grants programme is welcomed.

With more than 12,200km of road networks, it is vital to maintain these at the highest standard possible.

The council has also been granted more than €2 million funding for the revitalisation of Skibbereen and Clonakilty town centres. Together with input from locals, this funding will be put to effective use to help make these towns desirable places to live, work, and visit.

While the election gained a lot of attention, County Cork Council was still as busy as ever.

Kinsale Library has recently been shortlisted for the Royal Institue of Architects of Ireland (RIAI) Architecture Awards and is competing to win the title of Ireland’s favourite building/public space 2024.

The building is truly impressive, both inside and out, so over the coming summer months I encourage you to head to Kinsale and check it out.

I am excited for the return of the Special Music Event Scheme in the West Cork and Bandon/Kinsale MD. This event boosts tourism in the county, but more importantly showcases the amazing musical talent hidden in West Cork, with events on right throughout the summer.

There is lots of change to come in Cork County Council, with the election of a new council and the appointment of our new Chief Executive Moira Murrell, I am enthusiastic about the future of our great county.

We all have the same goals of helping Cork county to reach its full potential, and I am excited for the work ahead.