Hugh Foley, RTS Heating and Cooling, Stephen Farrell, SEAI, Fergal Cantwell, Envirobead, special guest Reggie from the Blackrock Road, Justine Barrett, SEAI and Pamela McCabe, Envirobead, at the recent infromation evening. Photo: Denis Boyle

Future proof your home with an Envirobead energy upgrade

“If you’re looking at doing a deep retrofit, the One Stop Shop is the only way to go for your home energy upgrade. It’s so much simpler.”

These were the words of Justine Barrett from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) speaking at the recent Envirobead Home Energy Upgrade Information Evening at the Clayton Silver Springs Hotel in Cork.

The event was well-attended with each of the attendees who registered receiving a free home energy assessment (HEA) worth €850.

A panel of experts spoke about the various aspects of the One Stop Shop initiative and this was followed by a question and answer session which proved very informative and worthwhile.

Niall McCarthy of Envirobead said: “The biggest reason to get a home energy upgrade is to future-proof your home for the next 25 to 30 years. You’ll have a more comfortable home and, hopefully, reduce your energy bills into the future as well. Envirobead are an SEAI-registered One Stop Shop provider in the energy efficiency industry in Ireland.”

“We’ve a very experienced team right across the country, and we provide nationwide coverage. We have a fantastic team in place to complete your home energy upgrade.”

Justine Barrett added: “The One Stop Shop is going to organise the SEAI grants, they’re going to apply for them on your behalf, you only have to pay the net of the grants, they’ll co-ordinate all the contractors, and take all that hassle out for you. It will all be streamlined time-wise as well.”

Fergal Cantwell of Envirobead said: “The home energy assessment is the first step, that will give you all the information required to show you what needs to be done to bring your home up to a B2 minimum rating. The biggest impact you’ll have on any house is a ‘fabric first’ approach so we’re looking at wall insulation, attic insulation, windows and doors.”

Hugh Foley of RTS Heating & Cooling said: “There are incentives there from the SEAI and the Government to complete works in one go, so the grants are larger.”

For more information on Envirobead’s One Stop Shop service, go to or phone 022-22102.