Ger McCarthy.

Rest easy Ger, we will miss you

We have a small, dedicated team that work diligently each week to ensure the Cork Independent is full of engaging content and stories every Thursday.

There are different departments and roles but only some of the staff get public recognition. While the journalists write the stories and edit the paper, there are many others who also perform vital roles in ensuring that the paper gets published each week and into peoples’ hands every Thursday.

We recently lost a dear colleague who has been with the paper for longer than any the rest of us. Ger McCarthy was working for the company since before the current owner took over in June 2005.

Ger was a key cog in distributing the paper every Thursday morning for more than 19 years.Incredibly, he never missed a week’s work!

More than that, he was such a lovely, gentle and fun man who always brightened up any room he walked into.

Every Thursday he was the face of the company meeting scores of people as he delivered the paper all over the south, east and west of the county.

Ger passed away suddenly on 29 May to the shock of us all.

Cork Independent Managing Director Jarlath Feeney paid tribute to the Ballyphehane native and his incredible work ethic.

“We were shocked and saddened by the sudden passing of our dear colleague Ger McCarthy on 29 May.

“Ger distributed the newspaper even before it became the Cork Independent in 2005, during the Inside Cork days. His distribution routes were throughout the south of the city and from Midleton to Clonakilty in the county,” he said.

“He never missed a week in the 19 years he worked with us, even through the worst days of the recession and Covid-19. Ger did his job with great enthusiasm and commitment and with a big dollop of fun and good humour.

“Meetings with Ger were always entertaining, there was bound to be a laugh. But he also had great insights and knew first-hand what was going on in our industry. He was always keen to know that the Cork Independent was doing well and went around to our bigger outlets several times each week to see that it was being presented well to the public.

“We miss Ger terribly and we extend our heartfelt sympathies to his wife Iris, his brothers and sisters, extended family, and friends. May his gentle and fun-loving soul rest in peace.”

Sales Manager Ian McGinley said Ger will be remembered fondly by all.

“Ger would always put a smile on our faces when he came into the office, always having time to chat. He really brightened the place up.

“Ger played such an important part in our operation, always making sure our readers had the newspaper on time every week, regardless of any obstacles,” he added.

Deputy Editor Niamh Áine Ryan used to chat to him about his travels.

“Ger was always in great form and had a great sense of humour. He was full of optimism.”

“Thursdays won't be the same!” said Distribution Manager Carmel Tobin who worked with Ger for nearly 20 years. “He was a very busy man, but always found the time to be kind, generous and helpful. From a professional and personal point of view, he will be missed.”

Deputy Sales Manager Alan Gould remembered how he would always leave a few bob for the staff Christmas party for some drinks.

“When he would come into the office, I used to say ‘you’re like a man on the clock’, as he was always rushing and racing to and from work!

“And he always went above and beyond for us with branding and merchandising the papers for us. He was a vital cogs in the operation for sure.”

Deputy Sales Manager Charlene Corkery described him as “such a lovely genuine guy, a really warm person. I always felt he went above and beyond to get things right for distribution.”

RIP Ger, we will all miss you.