The new Education, Conservation and Research Centre at Fota Wildlife Park which is being officially opened. Photo: Darragh Kane

Learn at Fota

A new sustainably built Education, Conservation and Research Centre (ECRC) has been officially opened at Fota Wildlife Cork.

Understanding Our Sustainable Future centre was developed at a cost of €5.5 million and was co funded by the Government of Ireland via the Office of the Public Works and Fota Wildlife Park - €2 million from the Office of Public Works and €3.5 million from Fota Wildlife Park.

The centre was opened last Friday by Michael McGrath TD, Minister of State for the Office of Public Works Kieran O’Donnell TD, and the Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform Malcolm Noonan, TD.

Michael McGrath TD said: “Fota Wildlife Park is a much-loved institution in Cork, evoking happy memories for tens of thousands of people who have visited with family, friends and school groups over the years. This development will provide the chance for undergraduate and postgraduate students to avail of formal and informal educational and research opportunities in a state-of-the-art location.”

Minister O’Donnell said: “This sustainable, eco-friendly complex will be an invaluable addition to Fota Wildlife Park. It will facilitate the expansion of educational and research opportunities in the field of biodiversity and conservation. I wish to congratulate and commend Fota Wildlife Director Sean McKeown, Board Chair, Jim Woulfe and all involved in advancing the project.

Minister Noonan said: “There has been fantastic collaboration between National Parks & Wildlife Service and Fota Wildlife Park in recent years on tackling some of our most challenging conservation concerns, notably those of the Curlew, Corncrake and Natterjack Toad. I’ve been privileged to witness these efforts first hand and I’m certain that the new Education, Conservation and Research Centre will play a vital role in helping us to protect these endangered species in the years to come.”

The completion of this sustainably built, passive design development underscores Fota Wildlife Park's 40th anniversary commitment to being a leading contributor to the conservation of national and global biodiversity.

Jim Woulfe, Chairman of Board said: “(This) event is hugely significant for Fota Wildlife Park as we unveil the new Education, Conservation and Research Centre, the largest capital investment project in Fota’s history. On behalf of the Board, I convey our sincere gratitude to the architects; engineers and the construction team whose dedication and expertise brought this project to fruition.”

The new ECRC features a 265 seater auditorium, an atrium, three state of the art classrooms, and a dedicated research centre which will provide significant opportunities to undergraduate and postgraduate students in University College Cork and national and international third level institutions.

Sean McKeown, Director of Fota Wildlife Park said: “I am delighted to introduce the new Education, Conservation and Research Centre, which is the next step in Fota Wildlife Park’s ambitious, 10 year strategic plan Fota 2030 Vision, to be one of Europe’s top zoological institutions in terms of our three pillar values – Conservation, Education and Research. Here, we place education, conservation, and research at the heart of our endeavours, weaving them into the very fabric of our mission, and solidifying their significance in our collective journey.”

This year more than 20,000 students will study at the Education, Conservation and Research Centre, making Fota Wildlife Park Munster's largest provider of outdoor education.

Lynda McSweeney, Head of Education said: “With the capacity to welcome up to 35,000 students annually, this centre is not just a building; it is a beacon of sustainability that ensures that we are leading by example in the pursuit of nurturing young minds while preserving the biodiversity of our beautiful planet for future generations.”

The new Education, Conservation, and Research Centre is available for booking, contact for more.