Barbara-Anne Richardson, Heineken Ireland and Alan Craughwell, AssistiV Ireland with South County’s Dylan Kennedy and Sarah Burke at the South County Bar. Photo: Greg Purcell

‘I pull a great pint of Heineken’

A pub in Douglas is using some innovative technology to create sustainable employment opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities.

The South County Bar teamed up with AssistiV Ireland in February to support Dylan Kennedy into a role working in the bar. AssistiV's platform helps make bar work easier by converting complex tasks into simple visual and audio cues, thereby removing barriers related to numeracy and literacy.

Dylan said: “I do lots of jobs here at the South County, from stocking shelves to waiting on tables, taking orders, and pouring pints. Sarah and all the staff treat me as part of the team, and we all work hard together.

“The customers are fabulous, and I have great craic with them working behind the bar, especially when it’s busy. I love my job, and I’m proud to work at the South County. Plus, I pull a great pint of Heineken.”

Dylan also attends Down Syndrome Cork’s Field of Dreams project, which provides work and life skills development opportunities for adults with Down Syndrome. He said that many of his friends and classmates there see him as a mentor, thanks to his work in the South County.

Sarah Burke, South County Bar Manager, added: “When we took on Dylan, a young man with Down Syndrome, we saw his potential and wanted to support his interest in bar work. Thanks to AssistiV, we’ve been able to introduce a system that makes it easier for Dylan to take and process orders independently.

“It not only supports Dylan, but has also enhanced our service offering, making it a big hit with our customers. We've seen firsthand how these changes benefit both our employees and customers and would strongly encourage other pubs to look at how they might do the same.”

AsisstiV Ireland is partnering with Heineken Ireland to bring its technology to more pubs and bars across the country.

Alan Craughwell, AssistiV Ireland CEO said: “AssistiV’s goal is to create a fairer and more inclusive employment landscape. We’re immensely proud to support jobs like Dylan’s in the South County Bar.”

Barbara-Anne Richardson, Heineken Ireland Sustainability Manager, said: “Heineken Ireland is very proud to work with Alan and AssistiV to deliver this life-changing technology to the hospitality industry.

“The technology is already making a profound impact, as evidenced by the successful implementation at the South County Bar in Cork, where the platform has significantly improved the lives of Dylan, his family, and his colleagues.”

AssistiV is now calling on pubs and bars across Ireland to join this initiative.