Voices of Cork Community Choir celebrate their 20th anniversary this year.

Community choir hitting the right notes

A community choir in Cork is looking for new members before the get back to rehearsals at the end of August.

Voices of Cork Community Choir celebrate their 20th anniversary this year and say they are always looking for new members especially the men’s section as they have 4 sections in their choir: soprano, alto, tenor and bass. The choir has the Lord Mayor’s Heritage Concert coming up in September which is hosted by the Lord Mayor in City Hall and is free to the public.

The four part harmony community choir aims to provide good choral music within the community, focused on people with limited access to such music. They also aim to give members of the community an opportunity to participate and become members of the choir, regardless of prior experience. Members of the choir are people of all ages from diverse backgrounds and are drawn from all over Cork and beyond. The choir is run by a committee who are all members of the choir. It is a lively choir and repertoire includes popular songs, ballads, jazz etc.

Rehearsals are Wednesday nights from 7.20pm to 9.30pm starting on 28 August. New members are always welcome. No experience is necessary – just enthusiasm and a love of singing!

To enquire about joining, email voicesofcork@gmail.com or reach out on one of their social media channels.