Fine Gael has selected councillors John Paul O’Shea and Michael Creed to contest Cork North-West constituency.

Ballot papers begin to fill across Cork

Fine Gael members have been busy lately adding names to ballot papers for the next General Election.

Most recently, the party selected county councillors John Paul O’Shea and Michael Creed to contest Cork North-West constituency. They were selected at a convention on Sunday at Springfort Hall Hotel which was chaired by Minister Patrick O’Donovan.

Cllr O’Shea said: “With the retirement of Deputy Michael Creed, I will do everything possible to ensure that the people of Cork North-West will continue to have strong representation in Dáil Eireann by a Fine Gael TD after the next general election.”

Cllr Creed said: “I believe that from my experience as a councillor I can be a strong voice for the people of Cork North-West and will work hard to ensure that our community thrives.”

Fine Gael has selected 26 candidates in 16 constituencies. This includes county councillor Noel McCarthy and Mark Stanton in Cork East as well as city councillor Shane O’Callaghan and county councillor Una McCarthy in Cork South Central.

Also in Cork South Central, city councillor Laura Harmon was selected to run for the Labour Party.

She said: “I’ve watched three of my younger sisters leave Cork and Ireland because they see no future here. Regrettably this story is not unique to my family. We are increasingly seeing people leaving our country because they are locked out from the benefits their hard work should bring.

“Most crucially they see owning a home of their own someday slipping further beyond their reach and they know that the rents they are paying now will not be remotely affordable to them when they retire in the future.”