Margo Hayes, Education Officer, Noreen O’Regan, Project Coordinator, Kate Forster, Education Support Worker, Lorraine O’Sullivan, Community Development Support Worker, and Patricia Cotter Development Worker at the launch of Cork City Partnership's autumn programme of community education courses.

Learn something new!

Thinking of learning something new this year? This programme could be just the ticket.

Tips on how to use a smartphone, cooking and art classes are among the free courses on offer at Cork City Partnership this autumn. Applications are now open for Cork City Partnership's next programme of Community Education Courses, which is funded by the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme. The autumn 2024 schedule has been launched and potential participants are encouraged to explore the brochure to avoid missing enrolment deadlines.

The programme includes courses from cooking and using smartphones and the internet to personal development, art and exercise. The courses are short and designed as a first step in returning to learning with the option of referral to follow on courses.

Cork City Partnership is a not-for-profit organisation and focuses on the education, employment and empowerment of individuals and communities who are experiencing disadvantage and social exclusion.

Margo Hayes, Education Officer with Cork City Partnership said: “Cork City Partnership recognises that education can play a key role in determining an individual’s development, wellbeing and opportunities for employment and progression.

“Cork City Partnership advocates a lifelong learning approach to education, valuing both formal and non formal learning and encourages and supports engagement in education at all stages of life. Not everyone is cut out for the same course so we try to include everyone when putting the programme together. The courses are given in a number of community locations and courses are free to eligible participants.”

Interested parties can enrol by contacting one of Cork City Partnership’s Outreach Offices to complete a registration form. Outreach offices are located in Churchfield/ Gurranabraher, Knocknaheeny, Fairhill, The Glen/Ballyvolane, Mayfield/Blackpool and Togher. They can also contact the main office at Heron House, Blackpool Retail Park. Registration forms must be completed before joining the course to demonstrate eligibility and participants must live in Cork City local authority boundary

Cork City Partnership is developing a presence in the expanded city boundary areas of Ballincollig, Blarney, Tower and Riverstown too.

Kevin previously attended the Mental Health in the Community Course (with UCC) and said: “It was a fantastic learning journey for me. I looked forward to the class every week.

The course was delivered at a nice easy pace with no pressure at all. It was a great opportunity for me to keep learning in retirement.”

Eleanor also attended the course: “It was a challenge which I thoroughly enjoyed. I feel motivated and more aware of my updated skills which I will bring back to use in my voluntary role in the community. It was lovely to form a bond with my classmates and to enjoy being in the company of such powerful, positive and kind people. I feel lucky to have benefitted from interacting with the group, sharing our learning, goals and experiences together.”

The autumn schedule also includes medical training courses like CPR/Defibrillator Training (Accredited Course) at Farranree Community Centre and a First Aid Responder three-day course at Heron House, Blackpool Retail Park.

The Drug and Alcohol Prevention Project (DAPP), which is based in Cork City Partnership and funded by the HSE, is also running several courses. DAPP provides various supports and initiatives in Cork for individuals and communities to prevent substance misuse and respond to emerging needs.

Anyone interested in enrolling in a course can email or telephone 021-4302310.

Among the courses on offer are:

·Substance Use Issues in Youth and Community Work Course [QQI Level 5] is an evening course, delivered in collaboration with Cork College of FET Morrison’s Island Campus. It is designed to promote good practice amongst those who work, both paid and voluntary, with young people and communities who are affected by various challenges. The 20-week course is offered in a blended format, a mix of in-person and online classes. The application deadline is August 30th, 2024.

·Parents Plus Adolescent Programme is an evidence-based parenting course promoting effective communication and positive relationships in families with adolescents aged 11 to 16 years.

·5-Step Method / Family Support Programme is an evidence-based programme to support those affected by a loved one’s drugs, alcohol or gambling habit. Provided over 5 sessions, the programme aims to support families and friends using the stress-strain-information-coping-support model. 5-Step is available both one-to-one (in person and online) and in a group setting.

·Non-Violent Resistance Programme that supports parents or carers who are experiencing child to parent violence, intimidation, emotional abuse or controlling behaviour. Provided over nine sessions, participants learn skills to resist and de-escalate the behaviour and rebuild the relationship with their child. The NVR programme is available one-to-one or via an online group programme.