Artist Gareth Joyce and his outdoor art display with Ruth Ring and Laura Morrison from Cobh Tidy Towns; Joanne Bissett, Arts & Social Affairs Offcer, Iarnród Eireann and Ger Lynch, Facilities Regional Manager, Iarnród Eireann. Photos: Don MacMonagle

Colourful trains-formation

By Alex Redmond

A new art piece, by Cork artist Garreth Joycee, has been unveiled in Cobh on the Iarnród Eireann network.

Supported by the Cork County Council, the piece is a collaboration between Iarnród Eireann and Cobh Tidy Towns, offering vibrant representation of Cobh throughout the years. Cobh’s rich history along with the aid of the local residents has provided Joyce with an abundance of inspiration, allowing him to depict Cobh’s storied past.

The piece offers a wide array of Cobh’s culture, stunning architecture, and diverse nature and wildlife.

The image includes St Colmans Cathedral, Fota Wildlife Park and various moments throughout Cobh’s history such as Laurel and Hardy’s visit in 1953.

Topping off the art is the inclusion of a pennant flag system spelling out ‘welcome to Cobh’, offering a warm welcome to the town, in the train station, for locals and visitors alike.

Joanne Bissett, Iarnród Éireann Arts and Social Officer said: “We are delighted to unveil the latest art piece on our network and have worked with Garreth Joyce, Cobh Tidy Towns on this project. With the assistance also of our station manager and building and facilities department, we have utilised our station space for support of the arts and to highlight the wonderful offerings of Cobh in a beautifully creative way.”

Ruth Ring, Vice Chair, Cobh Tidy Towns said: “We are absolutely delighted to have worked with Iarnród Éireann and such a talented artist Garreth Joyce to bring colour and creativity to this arrival and departure point of our beautiful town. Including so many unique architectural and local features telling our stories through art is a joy to behold and we look forward to sharing our history and heritage with all who visit and are lucky enough to live in Cobh.”