Over 200,000 junior cycle students will benefit from the expansion of the free schoolbooks scheme.

Cork minister welcomes free schoolbooks expansion

The provision of free schoolbooks for junior cycle pupils will greatly reduce financial strain on parents in Cork as the new school year approaches a local minister has said.

Speaking recently, Minister of State with responsibility for Public Health, Wellbeing, and the National Drugs, Colm Burke TD, noted that the expansion of the free schoolbook programme to include junior cycle students will bring huge relief to parents.

“Parents and guardians in Cork can now feel relieved as the school year approaches. The financial burden of school supplies, which can be substantial, has been lifted for primary school and Junior Cycle students,” said the minister.

The scheme’s expansion will cover 212,000 junior cycle students across roughly 670 secondary schools across the country, including in Cork,” added Mr Burke.

He continued: “This initiative not only saves Cork families money but also time they would have spent gathering school supplies, as schools are now fully equipped to distribute all essential materials before the school year starts.”

Minister Burke pointed out that, thanks to the scheme expansion, 775,000 students across secondary, primary, and special education schools will now have access to schoolbooks, notebooks, and, where possible, other classroom resources, all fully funded.

“This initiative goes beyond just economic relief; it ensures that every student in Cork, no matter their background, has access to necessary educational resources. This kind of equality in the classroom enhances the learning experience for everyone,” said Minister Burke.

The Cork North-Central TD is now calling on the Minister for Education to consider extending free schoolbook services to senior cycle students.