Over 60,000 students received their Leaving Cert results today.

Leaving Cert students, ‘your teachers are proud!’

Thousands of Cork students received their Leaving Cert results this morning, many of which were boosted by 7.5% on average in line with recent years.

This year the State Examinations Commission (SEC) again applied a post-marking adjustment to ensure that overall results are no lower on average than last year.

The adjustments were first introduced during the Covid pandemic to offset disruption caused to the education system.

Speaking in a video posted on X this morning, an Tanáiste Micheál Martin wished the very best of luck to students on a day of “excitement and some nerves as well”.

He said: “There’s a very broad pathway into the future in terms of the career of your choice, whether it’s further education, on to college, going to work, or indeed pursuing a trade.

“It’s important to stand back and to reflect on the wide range of opportunities for you and to enjoy your day and be with your friends, enjoy the celebrations, and to look ahead with optimism for the future,” added the Cork minister.

ASTI President Donal Cremin also congratulated students on receiving their Leaving Cert results today as they cross an “important milestone” in their lives.

“Your teachers are extremely proud of you,” said Mr Cremin.

He added: “The skills and resilience you have developed while navigating through second-level education and the Leaving Cert are long lasting. Stay calm and take the time to explore your options and the different pathways open to you over the coming days and weeks.”

This year’s students experienced significant challenges during their second-level education journey due to the pandemic, continued Mr Cremin, adding that most of the 2024 Leaving Cert cohort did not have the opportunity to do their Junior Cert and therefore had no previous experience of sitting state exams.

Congratulations also came from Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Patrick O’Donovan TD.

Minister O’Donovan said: “Today is unique day in the lives of thousands of young people across Ireland.

“As ever at this time of year, there will be many who will be celebrating their success in the exams, while others may be feeling disappointed. However, I want to reassure everyone that, while it is a significant day, the Leaving Cert results do not define you as a person, and even if you didn’t do as well as you hoped, there are a variety of different pathways available to your chosen studies,” added the minister.