Michael McGrath pictured in March at a Siro investment announcement with SIRO CEO John Keaney.

Michael McGrath picks up EU justice role

Ireland's EU Commissioner-designate Michael McGrath said he is “delighted” to be named as the new EU Commissioner for Justice.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen made the announcement on Tuesday morning.

She said: “I have entrusted him with the responsibility to take forward the European democracy shield.

“He will also lead our work on the rule of law, anti-corruption and consumer protection.”

Michael McGrath said: “In over 50 years of membership, this is the first time an Irish nominee has been given this role.”

He added: “I look forward to immersing myself in the brief and engaging with MEPs in the European Parliament.”

Carrigaline man Mr McGrath told RTÉ news: “I think the president had a number of challenges and many factors to weigh up in allocating the portfolios in terms of gender, geography, country size, and, of course, political groupings as well, but I am satisfied that what I and Ireland have been allocated is a very significant and substantive portfolio, and clearly she has trust in me personally in delivering on what is going to be a complex and a challenging role over the next number of years.”

Ms von der Leyen unveiled a host of portfolios for her new Commission and the former finance minister has been awarded the Democracy, Justice and the Rule of the Law portfolio.

Tánaiste Micheál Martin congratulated Michael McGrath on his role.

He said: “I have no doubt Michael will serve on the EU Commission with great energy and diligence in this significant role, protecting the rights of consumers, the rule of law and tackling corruption.”

The Tánaiste added: “It was important that the Irish Government nominated a commissioner of the highest calibre, and Michael will no doubt bring all of his experience in government here to his new job in Europe,” he said.

Chambers Ireland welcomed the nomination of Michael McGrath as the EU’s next Commissioner for Justice and the Rule of Law.

Chief Executive Ian Talbot wished the Commissioner designate well and urged him to consider the needs of business in his new role.

He said: “This portfolio will be crucial to our competitiveness for this mandate and beyond. We need a strong single market that promotes stable regulatory environments and facilitates cross-border trade by enforcing consistent legal standards across member states.

“This will foster confidence across the business community and support our economic growth,” Mr Talbot added.

European Movement Ireland also congratulated Michael McGrath desrcibing his portfolio as significant and said he is regarded as a dedicated public servant, a skilled minister, and a diligent worker.