Eavanna Breen.

TikTok skincare trends debunked by expert

An Irish skincare expert has warned about misleading and often harmful advice going viral on TikTok.

With millions of users turning to the platform for beauty tips, Eavanna Breen has said she is on a mission to debunk some of the most dangerous trends that can lead to a multitude of skin issues and even permanent, serious skin damage.

In a digital age where social media influencers hold significant sway and often reach many millions at a click, TikTok has become a hotbed for viral skincare trends. Unfortunately, many of these trends are not only incorrect but can also be damaging to the skin.

She said: “As a skincare expert, I am deeply concerned about the rise in popularity of unqualified influencers dispensing skincare advice on platforms like TikTok. Recently, we saw the severe consequences of this with the case of a TikTok creator who suffered a severe sugar burn after following a viral skincare trend. This incident highlights the real dangers of trusting advice from those who lack the necessary knowledge and expertise.

“The prevalence of incorrect and unsafe skincare tips on TikTok has reached alarming levels, with everyday users often following these trends without understanding the potential harm they can cause. It's crucial to remember that proper skincare requires accurate information and professional guidance to avoid serious skin damage and achieve healthy, radiant skin.”

Pulling the skin trend: “Tugging or pulling on your skin, whether during application or cleansing, can lead to premature wrinkles and sagging. The delicate skin around your eyes and on your face needs gentle care to maintain its elasticity and avoid unnecessary damage. Always apply products with a light touch, using your ring finger for areas around the eyes.”

Skipping skincare steps: “Each step in your skincare routine has a specific role to play. Whether it’s cleansing, toning, moisturising, or applying serums, skipping any step can compromise the overall effectiveness of your regimen. While not everyone needs to incorporate a ten-step routine, missing out on key steps means your skin isn't receiving the complete care it needs to stay healthy and radiant.”

Not using products in the correct order: “Applying products in the wrong order can prevent them from working as intended. Generally, start with the lightest formulations, such as serums and essences, and finish with heavier ones like moisturisers and oils. This ensures proper absorption and maximises the benefits of each product.” Not applying to the neck and chest areas: “The neck and chest are often overlooked or ignored in viral influencer videos, yet they are just as susceptible to signs of aging and sun damage as your face. Neglecting these areas can result in uneven skin tone and texture. Extend your skincare routine to include your neck and chest to maintain a consistent and youthful appearance.”

Failing to apply sunscreen: “A huge amount of TikTok viral videos outlining a creator’s skincare routine end with no mention of sun protection. Sunscreen is the most critical step in your skincare routine. It protects your skin from harmful UV rays, preventing sunburn, pigmentation, and even skin cancer. Skipping this step leaves your skin vulnerable to damage. Always apply a broad-spectrum SPF 50 as the final step in your morning routine. The best one I have ever found is the Skinmade Protect & Care Sun Oil.”

Fingers into jars:“So often on TikTok we see creators dipping their fingers into skincare jars which can introduce bacteria, leading to contamination and potential breakouts. To maintain the purity of your products, use a clean spatula or applicator. This simple step helps prevent bacterial growth and keeps your skin free from unwanted irritations.”

Letting tips of pipettes touch skin: “Allowing pipette tips to come into contact with your skin can transfer bacteria back into the product, compromising its integrity and effectiveness. Avoid touching your skin with pipette tips to maintain the product’s hygiene and ensure it remains potent.”