The event looks at how your health can be improved using AI. Photo: Brooke Lark

Find out how AI can boost your diet

Diet is key to so many aspects of our physical and mental health and an event this month looks at how AI can be used to combat diet-related diseases.

Harnessing AI for Better Health is an in-person event about the future of personalised nutrition hosted by CoDiet, Teagasc and APC Microbiome Ireland – a world leading Research Ireland centre at University College Cork.

CoDiet is an international research project that aims to combat diet-related diseases through innovative diet-monitoring technologies and personalised nutrition. Smart technology is central to the project as the study participants are issued with bespoke camera glasses which records their food intake throughout the study.

Join this public engagement event on 19 February from 6.15-7.15pm at the UCC Centre for Executive Education to hear a fascinating discussion between experts from across Europe who will explore how cutting-edge technologies and personalised nutrition are transforming the way we understand the connections between diet and disease.

Whether you're interested in AI, nutrition or health technology, this discussion promises to provide valuable insights into how these fields are converging to help society as a whole be healthier.

Audience members will have an opportunity to wear the smart technology and find out how to participate in a study if they are interested.

The facilitator is Andrea Doolan - CEO of Atlantia Clinical Trials.

Panellists are:

Prof. Gary Frost: Head of Section for Nutrition Research at Imperial College London and Scientific Lead for CoDiet

Dr Itziar Tueros: Head of the Food and Health Department at AZTI and Project Coordinator for CoDiet

Prof. Orla O'Sullivan: Senior Computational Biologist at Teagasc - the Agriculture and Food Development Authority, and Principal Investigator with VistaMilk and APC Microbiome Ireland, a Research Ireland centre

Prof. Noel Caplice: Principal Investigator with APC, Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences in the Department of Medicine and Director of the Centre for Research in Vascular Biology at UCC and a Consultant Cardiologist at Cork University Hospital

Dr. Adrian Rubio-Solis: Research Associate in Sensing and Machine Learning at Imperial College London

The panel discussion will be followed by an open Q&A session.

Get your tickets here: