Cllr Tony O’Shea.

Derelict HSE building for public sale?

A vacant HSE building in Mallow is to be put up for sale on the public market if no state stakeholders such as Cork County Council shows interest in the property.

The building, located on O’Brien Street in Mallow town centre, previously served as a HSE dental clinic.

In a motion at the most recent Regional Health Forum South Meeting at Cork County Hall, Cork County Councillor Tony O’Shea (FG) asked the HSE to outline its plans for the building.

In its response, the HSE said the property will be offered to all state stakeholders through the Intra-State Property Register.

The HSE also said that Cork County Council is free to express an interest in acquiring the property at market value.

A spokesperson for the HSE said: “If no interest is expressed in the property by any state stakeholder the HSE will then progress the disposal of the property on the open market in line with the Department of Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform Circular 17/2016 and the HSE Property Protocol.”

Cllr O’Shea has asked the HSE to provide a timeline for the sale of the property.

It is one of a number of derelict properties in the area.