Lucy Nagle sequin cuff sweater, €105.

Glam or comfort for Christmas Day?

So this week we are exiting Level 5 and non-essential shops can reopen again. Having not been into the city centre in weeks, I have to say I am thoroughly looking forward to having a bit of a potter around town.

There’s something so festive about the city centre at this time of year and I love nothing better than a little stroll around the shops and being able to pop in somewhere for a coffee - all things we took for granted before. I’m even more excited about getting a facial on Thursday which is definitely one of the things I missed most during both lockdowns, and if you’re someone who gets them done regularly you will understand why.

I get regular Image facials in Advanced Laser Light and having had acne in my early thirties, I really think facials and investing in skincare has helped to improve the texture of my skin no end.

During lockdown I also discovered jade rollers and I cannot believe I have never used one before. You can pick one up relatively cheaply and I keep it in the fridge and use it in the morning and evening to help my skin absorb my serum and moisturiser. I feel like my face is noticeably less puffy, and dare I say, it’s tightened up my jaw line jowl although that might be wishful thinking. Anyway, I have completely digressed here into skincare which was not my intention, but here we are.

I’ve also been thinking about Christmas Day outfits and it feels like there are two distinct camps this year. Those who are looking for any excuse to dress up and will be going full on glam for the occasion and those who will be investing in a slightly fancier loungewear than normal. No matter what, I always like to make an effort on Christmas Day and will get dressed up for the start of the day and for dinner. We are early dinner eaters in my house so come 3pm and after a snooze, it will be into the comfies to spend the rest of the day curled up on the couch watching musicals and eating my weight in chocolate Kimberleys. I always find a nice, easy to wear midi dress and some boots, perfect for Christmas Day as it’s comfortable, looks dressy but really you haven’t had to think too much about it. Add a faux fur and you’ll be looking super stylish if you plan on going for a post dinner walk. I always have great intentions of a walk on Christmas Day but so far I have yet to ever do it. This year could be the one.

I’ve also be looking around for some fancy loungewear that would be suitable for Christmas Day or New Year’s Eve. You want to be comfortable, but you also want something a little bit more elevated. I’m loving the Lucy Nagle sequin cuff sweater which is 100 per cent merino wool and which comes in at about €105. It would look fab worn with some comfy leather joggers and your best pair of slippers. While I love a matching loungewear set, I also recently spotted some gorgeous separates in H&M that work brilliantly together and won’t break the bank. I purchased a grey knit jumper with a silver and diamante embellishment that looks like a very grown up Christmas jumper and paired it with a pair of soft grey, wide leg knit trousers. Both options also come in black and would look amazing worn with a pair of metallic ankle boots and are roomy enough so that you can comfortably accommodate dinner and sure, what more can you ask for?