One of many misspelled billboards spotted in the South African city of Port Elizabeth calling for the people of Togher to play their part in South Africa's growth.

Billboard error spells Togher trouble

A comical typo seems to have plunged the people of Togher headlong into an electoral campaign currently taking place in South Africa.

Bizarrely, the African National Congress (ANC) managed to misspell the word ‘together’ in their 2019 campaign slogan which instead reads: “Let’s grow South Africa Togher”.

The spelling faux pas was spotted on a number of large billboards featuring current president Cyril Ramaphosa in Port Elizabeth, one of South Africa’s major cities.

The unfortunate mistake was brought to the public’s attention by popular South African YouTuber and DA Councillor Renaldo Gouws who tweeted: “Many of these have popped up around Nelson Mandela Bay today. Needless to say, I didn't expect anything more from the ANC”.

Mr Gouws’ 10,000 followers quickly got to work in poking fun at the billboards and it wasn’t long before they stumbled upon the unsuspecting parish of Togher in Cork city.

One follower wrote “Togher actually exists” in the comments section and included a link to a Wikipedia page dedicated to the southside suburb. Another follower quipped: “ET went home”.

The ANC is the governing political party in South Africa and has been in power since the election of Nelson Mandela in 1994, winning every election since.

It is unknown whether the error has been corrected.