Charity recruiting staff
A charity that provides social care to people in the UK and Ireland is now recruiting additional staff at its Cork locations.
Praxis Care, which is now responsible for Cork Association for Autism (CAA), will deploy the new staff across six locations which cater for 65 adults with autism in total.
In June 2018, the HSE became the temporary registered provider for CAA under section 64.4 of the Health Act 2007. The purpose of Section 64.4 is that the chosen health service becomes the temporary caretaker of a service whilst identifying an appropriate provider to take over.
Following a tender process in 2019, Praxis Care was identified as the appropriate new provider with the transition being formally completed in recent weeks.
Praxis will be funded by the HSE to run the services under a service level agreement. Director of Praxis Care, Carol Breen said she would strongly urge people who have an interest in social care and working with others to apply.
“The transfer of services will allow Praxis Care the opportunity to develop in a new community health area, where we can impact positively on outcomes for individuals while ensuring the appropriate governance and oversight structure is applied for the size of the transfer,” she said.
It currently provides services to over 345 adults and children at 40 schemes and employs 500 people across the country.