Billy Kelleher MEP. Photo: Conor McCabe Photography

Call for extra bank holiday

Fancy an extra Bank Holiday Monday?

Fianna Fáil MEP Billy Kelleher made the call for one recently adding that the Irish people “deserve” it.

He explained: “Most of our recent bank holidays were wasted as we were under severe restrictions.”

He said an additional bank holiday at the end of September would extend the summer period, giving our hotels, restaurants, bars as well as the soon to re-open arts and live entertainment sectors a much-needed boost.”

The Fianna Fáil MEP added: “Ireland already has one of the lowest levels of bank holidays in the EU with just nine compared to 13 in Austria.”

He also said that while a late September holiday might not be a long-term necessity, he believes it’s needed after the past 18 months the public has endured.

“The Government should consider this extraordinary measure as a way of supporting the local, and in particular regional, economies and give a vaccine bonus to our citizens,” he concluded.