Remembering Jean with a dog walk
A dog-walking fundraiser in loving memory of a West Cork animal lover will take place next weekend.
There was great sadness and shock in Clonakilty on 28 July when Jean Lowney, 50, died unexpectedly. Honouring Jean’s passion for animals, Jean’s Memorial Birthday Dog Walk invites dogs and their owners to Inchydoney Beach on 11 December at 2pm, 3 days after what would have been her 51st birthday.
Jean was a great lover of animals, both domesticated and wild, and a few years ago had set up her dog caring service, The Pet Jeanie. At her funeral, around 30 of her canine friends and their owners attended at St Mary’s Graveyard for a guard of honour.
A friend of Jean’s who is one of the organisers said: “Inchydoney Beach and dunes were favourite haunts of Jean and her canine clients and they all had many happy hours there in the past.” Dogs and their owners are welcome to assemble at the car park at the end of the one-way traffic system at Inchydoney at 1.45pm. After a welcome and a quick photo session, participants will go onto the beach at 2pm and spend an hour walking with their dogs, chatting and remembering Jean, before returning to the starting point where complimentary tea and coffee will be available. The event will end with everyone remembering Jean by singing (and howling) Happy Birthday. Participants will be asked to make a suggested donation of €10 to the West Cork Animal Welfare Group, an organisation which Jean supported.
See Facebook/Jean's Memorial Dog Walk.