David Lane of Ecclesiastical Insurance Ireland who compiled the Value of Giving Report

77% of Irish adults donated to charity last year

In terms of volunteering, 42% reported engaging in unpaid help or volunteering for not-for-profit organisations or charities in the past year. This figure has increased compared to 2019, and there has been a 3% surge in volunteering activities following the pandemic.

Regarding the donation levels across different generations, the study revealed that 59% of people aged 18-24 have volunteered in the past year. Similarly, nearly half, or 48%, of those in the 25-34 age group dedicated their time to charitable causes. In contrast, older generations allocated less time for volunteering in 2022, with 43% in the 35-44 age bracket and 36% in the 45-54 age bracket engaging in volunteer work.

Laois emerged as the most generous county in the country, with 91% of respondents saying they donated money to charity in the past year. Following closely behind were Roscommon and Westmeath, with 89% of respondents from these counties indicating that they had also made donations.

According to the report, a link exists between people's outlook and their inclination to donate. Those who hold a more optimistic view of the future are the most likely group to engage in donations.

Interestingly, among those who say they have felt isolated recently, 19% stated that they had not given a donation or volunteered for local, national, or international organisations or charities in the past 12 months.

David Lane, Managing Director of Ecclesiastical Insurance Ireland, said: “Our giving ethos is woven deep into the fabric of Irish society, and this report gives an overview of the economic value of charitable giving and volunteering in Ireland. Our report found that while the average cash value of donations has decreased during the cost-of-living crisis, the number of people giving and volunteering is higher than pre-pandemic levels. It is also encouraging to see that younger people in Ireland are engaging significantly with worthy causes.”