Niamh Morrison of HEN Jewellery with her work Photo: Darragh Kane

Name and position:Niamh Morrison, designer and creator at Hen Jewellery

When you were small, what did you want to be as a grown-up?

Finished with school!

Tell us about your career progression to your role today:

It all began when my youngest was coming to the end of his time in college and I figured I would be essentially ‘dumped’ as a mum! I wasn’t quite sure what my next step would look like, but I ended up ordering a book on polymer clay. Ironically, this arrived 2 days after I had an accident, so Declan brought it to me when I was in ICU and the seed was sown. Once I realized I wanted to include silver, I began asking around and found a silversmith. Eventually, the clay was given the boot and I focused my time, energy, and all future finances on silver. Many, many, many classes, tutorials, apps, meltdowns, and markets later, HEN Jewellery was born.

No, hens are not part of the large menagerie here in Clonakilty – the name can be credited to my long-suffering husband. He suggested that jewellery for the Hands, Ears and Neck should be called HEN. It's quirky, a bit odd and makes total sense to me – which is me in a nutshell.

I had always had my hand in some kind of creative hobby (painting, knitting, upholstery, sewing, etc.) but was always frustrated – I was never pleased with anything I did until I tried jewellery making and specifically working with silver and other metals.

I work with sterling silver and recycled silver, copper, and brass. I look for ways to reduce my impact on the environment from the products I use to the packaging I choose. My copper comes from old immersion cylinders, brake hoses – me and the local mechanic and plumber are the best of friends. I am outside every day and appreciate how much inspiration I get from Mother Nature and feel it's my responsibility to protect my muse every chance I get.

I love texture – I could be looking at the texture of a tree outside the studio window or the way the sea crashes against a rock and I am off. If you look at my jewellery, you will always see some type of texture added to each design. If I had a particular style, I guess you could say that I am reinterpreting the Wild Atlantic Way my way – with lots and lots of texture.

I create my jewellery in my studio in my home overlooking the paddock. Usually, one cat is on the seat behind me, one is on a shelf looking down at me, a dog or two is at my feet – just far enough away from the path of the rolling chair. I can’t help but be creative surrounded by so much adoration.

I joined Cork Craft Month around 10 years ago. I love the support and community that stemmed from the organisation and featured my work in the shop in Cork for many years. I have taken part in many events and every market that has arisen for craft month over the last decade and have enjoyed every minute of it.

What is the most enjoyable aspect of what you do?

Interacting with the public at markets. I love the snippets of everyone’s lives and personalities that I get to see in the brief time I spend with them. The icing is when they come back to me for another piece, especially when they are from other countries.

What motivates you?

Stubbornness, plain and simple. That and I love what I do, my training comes from the school of trial and error.

What advice would you give your 15 year old self?

Close your mouth and open your ears!

If you weren’t in the job you have, what would you be doing?

Rocking in a corner researching divorce lawyers and Hawaiian beach shack prices.

What is your greatest life or career achievement to-date?

That I am still competing in surf lifesaving competitions and holding my own (ish) at 64.

Who has had the biggest influence on you in your life?

Time. I have had so many amazing people enter my life, but time has had the biggest influence. There is never enough of it, and I try to pack as much in while I can.

What is the life dream now?

To keep doing what I’m doing really. If I could see my days out swimming in the sea and riding my horse, I think I would be very happy with that. As long as my body will allow, I will keep making the jewellery, and sure if the mind goes, the designs will only get more eclectic!

How do you switch off?

Definitely in the water or riding my horse, Bob. I hack him every day by the sea when I am not swimming in it!

What is your favourite Cork memory?

Drinking in the Long Valley Bar in Winthrop Street when I was in college.

What is your favourite place in Cork?

A local beach called Red Strand – it soothes my soul sitting on a board out in the water.

When are you at your happiest?

In the water.

What might we be surprised to know about you?

I studied architectural technology in what was CIT.

What is your hidden talent?

I can whistle with my fingers.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

I sell my jewellery on my website I’m also very active on Instagram, watch to see how I make my designs. You can catch me at Kinsale craft market every Wednesday during the summer.