Volunteers Anna O’Shea, Donie Lucey and John P Moynihan demonstrate some of the work carried out by CRITICAL. Photo: John Tarrant

‘Volunteers can be at the scene in minutes’

A new first responder group has been set up in North Cork which will respond to 999/112 calls including cardiac arrests, stroke, and breathing difficulties.

The Blackwater Community First Responder (CRF) group will cover an area which spans 147 sq. miles in total and includes towns such as Millstreet, Banteer, Rathmore, Ballydesmond and Kiskeam.

The group, established by the emergency medical response charity CRITICAL, currently has 10 active and fully trained responders with an additional 13 in training. These include people from the local fire service, factory workers, IT workers and the HSE.

David Tighe, CEO of CRITICAL, said: “The Blackwater CFR group is the latest addition to the charity’s network which is expanding its presence around Ireland. CRITICAL volunteers are working in conjunction with the National Ambulance Service, providing a quick response to medical emergencies in their communities. We have seen the impact of our CFR groups in other areas and I am sure that this latest group will be a major benefit to the North Cork area.”

Donie Lucey, a Fundraising Support Officer with CRITICAL, was one of those who helped set up the Blackwater CFR group.

He said: “I have seen first-hand the benefits of having responders in an area, particularly one as expansive as this particular part of North Cork. Our volunteers can be at the scene in minutes providing vital treatment to a patient before the ambulance arrives. The training that our volunteers receive is fantastic and only recently one of our Blackwater CFR volunteers put his skills to use when one of his relatives began choking. The biggest reward for us is knowing that we’ve helped save the life of someone in our community, whether that be a friend, family or neighbour.”

Donie is also a member of the Millstreet Vintage Club which recently raised €12,500 in support of CRITICAL.

If anyone would like to join the Blackwater CFR group then they can contact info@criticalcharity.ie .