Ber Downey, Fiona O’Donnell, and Grainne O’Keeffe from Clonakilty. Photo: Dave Sheehan

Nurse to cycle across France for best friend

A community nurse in Cork who overcame breast cancer is set to undertake a 750km charity cycle across France to support a friend who needs a second kidney transplant.

Westmeath native Ber Downey, who has made Clonakilty her home, is taking on the gruelling six-day journey from Paris to Nice to raise awareness about kidney disease and the importance of living kidney donation.

Her motivation is to support her close friend, Fiona O’Donnell, who has returned to dialysis since January this year after her first kidney transplant, received seven years ago from another close friend, Grainne O’Keeffe, unfortunately failed.

The inspiring trio, all living in Clonakilty, formed a close bond through their shared passion for sport and wellness, having met at their local West Cork Triathlon Club over ten years ago.

Ber works as a community mental health nurse, Fiona is a performance nutritionist, and Grainne works in finance.

Ber said: “This isn't just about the miles on the road and my love of cycling. For me, it's about raising awareness for a cause that's incredibly close to my heart: organ donation, especially living kidney donation. As a close friend of mine, Fiona needs a kidney transplant for the second time.”

Fiona underwent a successful living donor kidney transplant in November 2017, thanks to their close friend Grainne.

Just seven months after the transplant operation, Ber joined with Fiona and Grainne as the trio conquered a triathlon in Schull together.

“Witnessing Fiona’s journey from dialysis treatment to the triumph of completing a triathlon with Grainne, was truly inspiring,” Ber continued.

“It transformed Fiona and gave her six years of good health while raising her young family,” she added.

However, Fiona's return to dialysis in January means she now spends three days a week in CUH receiving life-sustaining haemodialysis treatment.

“This serves as a constant reminder of the ongoing need for more donors and support for those affected by kidney disease,” she said.

Ber’s personal battle with breast cancer four years ago has also added a new layer of meaning to this challenge.

She continued: “While this victory fills me with gratitude, it also means I cannot undergo testing for living donation.

“Witnessing the transformational effect, it had on my friend Fiona drives me even more to promote organ donation and living donor kidney donation.”

Living kidney donor, Grainne, said: “I feel very blessed that I was able to give the gift of a kidney transplant to my close friend. Being a donor has never impacted my health adversely. I would love to see more living donors.”

Fiona, who is deeply moved by her friends’ dedication, said: “Having two such dedicated close friends who will go so far for me is incredibly humbling. Grainne made an extraordinary sacrifice to me seven years ago by donating a kidney to me, especially as she had a young family. Her generosity allowed me to be present for my husband and children and lead a fulfilling and healthy life until recently.

“There are no words to describe the depth of my gratitude,” she added.

Starting on 6 September, the Paris2Nice Cycle will take place over six days, concluding on the iconic Promenade des Anglais in Nice. Ber will be among 50 other cyclists, each participating for their own important causes.

Her fundraising target is €6,000 with every cent raised going directly to the Irish Kidney Association.

The fundraiser link for Ber’s cycle is: