John Deery is based between West Cork and London and runs his regular one-day courses in both Cork and Dublin

Learn not to fear public speaking

So many of us are afraid of speaking in public but one expert offers a one-day course that can change your life.

Starting by chance when a friend was in need in 1994, now over 30 years later, John Deery has spoken in front of tens of thousands of people including prime ministers and politicians, CEOs and entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, students - virtually every profession you can think of.

He has worked with the great and the good, the rich and the famous, people starting out in their careers and people who went on to set up successful companies. He has worked with dozens of companies and organisations including Bank of Ireland, BT, PricewaterhouseCoopers, AIB, Unilever, Pulsant, HSBC, University of Law (London), the British government, JP Morgan, British Red Cross, Citibank, KPMG, Mercy Hospital Cork, Microsoft, and many more.

There is pretty much nothing that he hasn’t seen or heard in terms of peoples' fears of speaking in public.

His philosophy is simple: Everyone has a right to speak; clear, concise communication is important, and will help to get your message across, whether that be in a professional work environment or in a personal capacity.

Most people are not natural communicators or born public speakers. Many people are self-conscious, fearful, and nervous about speaking in public. The ‘little voice’ in their head is constantly over-thinking. ‘What will he, she, they think of me? What if I go blank and forget what I am saying? What happens if I make a mistake?’

Being able to communicate authentically and effectively changes the way people see you and your business and helps you to achieve your goals both professionally and personally. The fear is sometimes so great that it stops people going for promotion within their company or even applying for jobs in the first place.

People can suffer from mild anxiety to outright fear with symptoms such as sweaty palms, a dry throat, heart palpitations, and in extreme cases even become short of breath, get dizzy or go into a full-blown panic attack.

According to statistics, this can happen to at least 75% of people who have a built-in fear or phobia of standing up in front of other people to deliver a speech, to present or pitch an idea, or when going that all-important job interview. It’s a natural reaction, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

John started the Public Speaking Course to help people deal with their fear and coaches people how to stand up with confidence and speak from a position of genuine, ease and poise. The techniques he uses are simple, effective, and extremely powerful and have worked for thousands of people for over three decades.

The skills he teaches go beyond public speaking. The techniques and tools he uses on his one-day course also help individuals to deal with many of life's challenges. By the end of the one-day course, people have the skills and confidence to stand up in front of any number of people and successfully speak.

John Deery is based between West Cork and London and runs his regular one-day courses in both Cork and Dublin. His next course in Cork is on Saturday 19 October taking place at the Cork International Hotel at Cork Airport. To book a course visit

For reviews, see Trustpilot, where he is rated excellent:

Email or ring 086-0763930.